IT Governance & COBIT

IT organizations can use IT governance to meet legal or regulatory requirements, demonstrate service quality and improve their market position.

The term governance means, among other things, control and management. IT governance therefore refers to the management and control of IT. Isn't that simply what an IT manager or CIO is supposed to do? Of course, the work of IT managers and CIOs is closely interwoven with IT governance. However, IT governance goes far beyond pure IT aspects. First of all, it is necessary to question which business processes and objectives are to be supported by IT and how IT risks can be minimized in this context. This implies the requirement to be able to measure the performance of IT and check its reliability.

IT Governance Training


Conscious and structured risk management is beneficial and can ultimately increase added value. M_O_R (Management of Risk) provides guidelines on this in the current version 4.



COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) is an internationally recognized framework for IT governance. IT governance refers to the management, organization and structuring of corporate IT processes. COBIT is intended to ensure that IT supports the business objectives, that investments in IT are optimized and that there is appropriate risk and change management. COBIT 5 is the updated version from ISACA. The framework provides guidelines for managers and decision-makers regarding the use of technologies that support the organization in achieving its business objectives. The goal of COBIT 5 is to help companies optimize IT-related value creation through a balance of benefit realization, risk management and resource management.