Hybrid Training

Hybrid Training

Classroom and On-line Participants in the Same Seminar

Hybrid Training

A completely new training experience is created when additional on-line participants are suddenly able to take part in a classroom course. The dynamics of a real seminar are maintained, and the remote participants are able to benefit from that. We offer you such hybrid courses for a range of selected course topics. These events are marked with the  icon.

The on-line participants of a hybrid seminar use a collaboration platform, such as Webex Training Center. To do this, the student only needs a PC with a browser and Internet access, a headset, and, ideally, a webcam.

In the seminar room, we use specially developed and adapted, top-level audio- and video-technology. This makes sure that the communication between all persons involved takes place in a pleasant way without interferences.

The on-line participants hear both the trainer and all other course participants speak. They see the materials presented by the trainer and in addition a video image of the seminar room. On-line participants are virtually integrated into the seminar. Their voices are transferred via speakers.

This enables all persons to easily communicate with each other, just as if all persons were physically present in the seminar room.


Important Note:
Sounds and images are transferred during the transmission between the on-line participants and the seminar room, which may come from the on-line participants, the trainer, or from other participants of the course. None of the participants shall be allowed to record these contents.

Classroom participants who register for a hybrid seminar consent in the context of their registration that sound, images, as well as screen contents may be transferred from the seminar room to the on-line participants.


Hybrid Training