Pearson Vue ATC Logo

Pearson VUE Authorized Center

In Frankfurt, Hamburg, Duesseldorf, Munich

Pearson Vue ATC Logo

As an official Pearson VUE Authorized Center, we carry out all examinations for vendor-certified training. Currently, we have 4 testing places in the Training Center Frankfurt/Dietzenbach. In the Training Centers Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Munich, we are currently offering 2 testing places for Pearson/VUE exams.

Please feel free to use the online version of the Pearson/VUE exam for your exam. You can find more information here:

To schedule an appointment, please contact us.

We will be glad to assist you in the selection of the right test. We wish you good success in your examination!


Pearson VUE Authorized Center


The tests are performed in English language. As a rule, the examinations take 110 to 140 minutes for non-native speakers. A hold-file option for the questions is not provided for Cisco examinations, which means you cannot postpone a question and answer it in the end.

How is a Cisco examination performed?
Cisco examinations are set up of multiple choice single answers, multiple choice multiple answers, fill in the blank, drag & drop tasks, and simulations. Prior to the start of the examination, you can make use of a tutorial at the test PC. The time used up for that will not be subtracted from your examination time. General information by Cisco on Cisco Certification Exams.

Which Cisco examinations are available?
Here, you can find an overview of all Cisco examinations (Cisco site, Pearson VUE site).

What happens if I do not pass my Cisco examination?
You can only repeat your examination after a blocked time period of 5 calendar days.

How can I renew a Cisco certification?
Cisco offers an overview, which certifications are renewed in which cycle. It is explained which examination has to be passed for the purpose of recertification.

I would like to acquire a voucher for several examinations. How does it work?
On the following page you can find the complete ordering information and prices for Cisco vouchers.

Currently, Pearson VUE operates approximately 5,000 test centers worldwide. You can book examinations over the Internet or directly over a test center. Examinations can be canceled or postponed 24 hours before the examination date.

How can I register for an examination?
• By calling the Pearson VUE Customer Service: 0800-0826499
• Online under Pearson VUEHere, you can find detailed instructions how to create a Web account at Pearson VUE.
• On-site at your Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center. This is how you can find the Test Center Locator.

How and up to which point of time can I cancel or postpone my examination?
Über das Internet können Prüfungen bis 24 Stunden vor dem Prüfungstermin abgesagt oder verschoben werden; telefonisch ist dies bis einen Geschäftstag vor dem Termin möglich. Ob und in welcher Höhe eine bereits geleistete Zahlung zurück erstattet wird, hängt vom jeweils gebuchten Hersteller ab.

Are the costs for examinations at Pearson VUE the same as anywhere else?
Yes, the prices are determined by the test sponsors. As a result, the prices at the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers are exactly the same as those of all other test centers. ExperTeach GmbH does not charge additional fees for registration.

Which payment modes does Pearson VUE accept?
At Pearson VUE, you can pay for examinations in a simple and safe way–either via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) or via a voucher.

What is a voucher?
A voucher is a credit which was acquired in advance with a specific value. Vouchers are only valid for a limited time period (maximally one year). This time period cannot be extended. Here, you can find ordering information and prices of Cisco vouchers.

Whom should I contact if I need an invoice?
Write an e-mail to PVEMEACUSTOMERSERVICE@PEARSON.COM or call Customer Care under 0800-0826499 an. When doing this, specify the following data:

First name, last name:
Exam #:
Test date:

Alternatively, your test center can do that for you. You will receive the invoice as a PDF file. Please note that test centers cannot issue invoices on-site.

Where can I determine my actual examination time versus my admission time?
In the registration confirmation (via e-mail) the duration and the actual examination time will be communicated. Here, you can find information on all current Cisco examinations and the corresponding durations.

Will the duration of the examination be extended if the examination takes place in English and English is not my native language?
If you participate in an examination in English language and you are not a native speaker, some vendors grant a time extension of maximally 30 minutes (non-native speaker bonus).

When should I arrive at the test center, i.e. how many minutes prior to the examination?
To ensure that the examination and all processes related will be performed smoothly and without problems, you should arrive at the test center at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the examination.

What should I keep in mind when arriving at the test center?
Please do not forget to bring two means of identification, such as your ID card or passport and an EC card. At least one of these means of identification must include your photo (government issued photo ID) and both must bear your signature.

What can I bring with me into the test center?
To ensure the reliability and validity of the examination, we ask you not to bring any pencils, hand calculators, or documents when taking the examination. These aids can be provided by the test center if they are required for the examination. For Cisco examinations, an erasable noteboard is permitted per candidate. In our test center, you have the option to store articles of value safely.

When will I receive my examination results?
You will receive your examination results directly after the examination. An examination report is printed in the test center which will summarize your result (score report).

How do I get my certificate?
If your examination results fulfill the requirements for certification, you will receive an e-mail from the vendor with the request to create an account or to log on to an existing account. Subsequently, the vendor will directly send you the certificate.

Whom should I contact if...
• My name or my address data is not entered correctly in the system?
• If I have been registered twice in the Pearson VUE-System?
In these cases, please contact Pearson VUE. When doing that, please keep your ID number (VUE: VUExxxxxxx, CSCOxxxxxxx, CTXxxxxxxx) ready at hand.

As an official Pearson VUE Authorized Center, we carry out all examinations for vendor-certified training. Currently, we have 4 testing places in the Training Center Frankfurt/Dietzenbach. In the Training Centers Duesseldorf, Hamburg and Munich, we are currently offering 2 testing places for Pearson/VUE exams.

Please feel free to use the online version of the Pearson/VUE exam for your exam. You can find more information here:

To schedule an appointment, please contact us.

We will be glad to assist you in the selection of the right test. We wish you good success in your examination!


Pearson VUE Authorized Center


The tests are performed in English language. As a rule, the examinations take 110 to 140 minutes for non-native speakers. A hold-file option for the questions is not provided for Cisco examinations, which means you cannot postpone a question and answer it in the end.

How is a Cisco examination performed?
Cisco examinations are set up of multiple choice single answers, multiple choice multiple answers, fill in the blank, drag & drop tasks, and simulations. Prior to the start of the examination, you can make use of a tutorial at the test PC. The time used up for that will not be subtracted from your examination time. General information by Cisco on Cisco Certification Exams.

Which Cisco examinations are available?
Here, you can find an overview of all Cisco examinations (Cisco site, Pearson VUE site).

What happens if I do not pass my Cisco examination?
You can only repeat your examination after a blocked time period of 5 calendar days.

How can I renew a Cisco certification?
Cisco offers an overview, which certifications are renewed in which cycle. It is explained which examination has to be passed for the purpose of recertification.

I would like to acquire a voucher for several examinations. How does it work?
On the following page you can find the complete ordering information and prices for Cisco vouchers.

Currently, Pearson VUE operates approximately 5,000 test centers worldwide. You can book examinations over the Internet or directly over a test center. Examinations can be canceled or postponed 24 hours before the examination date.

How can I register for an examination?
• By calling the Pearson VUE Customer Service: 0800-0826499
• Online under Pearson VUEHere, you can find detailed instructions how to create a Web account at Pearson VUE.
• On-site at your Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center. This is how you can find the Test Center Locator.

How and up to which point of time can I cancel or postpone my examination?
Über das Internet können Prüfungen bis 24 Stunden vor dem Prüfungstermin abgesagt oder verschoben werden; telefonisch ist dies bis einen Geschäftstag vor dem Termin möglich. Ob und in welcher Höhe eine bereits geleistete Zahlung zurück erstattet wird, hängt vom jeweils gebuchten Hersteller ab.

Are the costs for examinations at Pearson VUE the same as anywhere else?
Yes, the prices are determined by the test sponsors. As a result, the prices at the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers are exactly the same as those of all other test centers. ExperTeach GmbH does not charge additional fees for registration.

Which payment modes does Pearson VUE accept?
At Pearson VUE, you can pay for examinations in a simple and safe way–either via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) or via a voucher.

What is a voucher?
A voucher is a credit which was acquired in advance with a specific value. Vouchers are only valid for a limited time period (maximally one year). This time period cannot be extended. Here, you can find ordering information and prices of Cisco vouchers.

Whom should I contact if I need an invoice?
Write an e-mail to PVEMEACUSTOMERSERVICE@PEARSON.COM or call Customer Care under 0800-0826499 an. When doing this, specify the following data:

First name, last name:
Exam #:
Test date:

Alternatively, your test center can do that for you. You will receive the invoice as a PDF file. Please note that test centers cannot issue invoices on-site.

Where can I determine my actual examination time versus my admission time?
In the registration confirmation (via e-mail) the duration and the actual examination time will be communicated. Here, you can find information on all current Cisco examinations and the corresponding durations.

Will the duration of the examination be extended if the examination takes place in English and English is not my native language?
If you participate in an examination in English language and you are not a native speaker, some vendors grant a time extension of maximally 30 minutes (non-native speaker bonus).

When should I arrive at the test center, i.e. how many minutes prior to the examination?
To ensure that the examination and all processes related will be performed smoothly and without problems, you should arrive at the test center at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the examination.

What should I keep in mind when arriving at the test center?
Please do not forget to bring two means of identification, such as your ID card or passport and an EC card. At least one of these means of identification must include your photo (government issued photo ID) and both must bear your signature.

What can I bring with me into the test center?
To ensure the reliability and validity of the examination, we ask you not to bring any pencils, hand calculators, or documents when taking the examination. These aids can be provided by the test center if they are required for the examination. For Cisco examinations, an erasable noteboard is permitted per candidate. In our test center, you have the option to store articles of value safely.

When will I receive my examination results?
You will receive your examination results directly after the examination. An examination report is printed in the test center which will summarize your result (score report).

How do I get my certificate?
If your examination results fulfill the requirements for certification, you will receive an e-mail from the vendor with the request to create an account or to log on to an existing account. Subsequently, the vendor will directly send you the certificate.

Whom should I contact if...
• My name or my address data is not entered correctly in the system?
• If I have been registered twice in the Pearson VUE-System?
In these cases, please contact Pearson VUE. When doing that, please keep your ID number (VUE: VUExxxxxxx, CSCOxxxxxxx, CTXxxxxxxx) ready at hand.