Dieses Training hat das Ziel Developern näherzubringen, wie sie End-to-End-Lösungen in Microsoft Azure erstellen können. Die Teilnehmenden lernen, wie sie Azure-Computerlösungen implementieren, Azure-Funktionen erstellen, Web-Apps implementieren und verwalten, Lösungen unter Verwendung von Azure-Speichern entwickeln, Authentifizierung und Autorisierung implementieren und ihre Lösungen mit Hilfe von KeyVault und Managed Identities sichern. Die Teilnehmenden lernen auch, wie sie sich mit Azure-Services und Services von Drittanbietern verbinden und diese nutzen können und wie sie ereignis- und nachrichtenbasierte Modelle in ihre Lösungen integrieren können. Der Kurs behandelt auch die Überwachung, Fehlerbehebung und Optimierung von Azure-Lösungen. Empfohlenes Training für die Zertifizierung zum: Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate


  • Erstellen von Azure App Service
  • WebAppsAzure-Funktionen implementieren
  • Lösungen entwickeln, die Blob-Speicher verwenden
  • Lösungen entwickeln, die Cosmos-DB-Speicher verwenden
  • IaaS-Lösungen implementieren
  • Benutzerauthentifizierung und -autorisierung implementieren
  • Sichere Cloud-Lösungen implementieren
  • API-Verwaltung implementieren
  • App-Service-Logic-Apps entwickeln
  • Entwicklung ereignisbasierter Lösungen
  • Nachrichtenbasierte Lösungen entwickeln
  • Azure-Lösungen überwachen und optimieren
  • Caching und Inhaltsbereitstellung in Lösungen integrieren

E-Book Symbol Die originalen Microsoft-Kursunterlagen werden Ihnen online zur Verfügung gestellt.

Inhouse-Schulung jetzt anfragen


Die Teilnehmer dieses Kurses sind an der Entwicklung von Azure oder an der Zertifizierungsprüfung Microsoft Azure Developer Associate interessiert.


Die Teilnehmer sollten 1-2 Jahre Erfahrung als Entwickler haben. Dieser Kurs setzt voraus, dass die Teilnehmer mit der Programmierung vertraut sind und übergrundlegende Kenntnisse von Azure verfügen. Es wird empfohlen, dass die Schüler über einige Erfahrungen mit PowerShell oder Azure CLI, der Arbeit im Azure-Portal und mit mindestens einer von Azure unterstützten Programmiersprache verfügen. Die meisten Beispiele in diesem Kurs werden in C\#.NET vorgestellt.


Sie wissen noch nicht, welche Azure-Zertifizierung zu Ihnen passt und wollen sich einen Überblick der diversen Level und Rollen verschaffen? Dann beachten Sie bitte unseren Blog-Artikel Azure Zertifizierungen.  

Implement solutions that use virtual machines
Students will learn how to properly plan for VM deployment. It covers VM creation by using the Azure Portal, PowerShell, and through code. It also covers creating and using ARM templates for repeatable deployments and how to use Azure Disk Encryption to secure information on the VM.
Provision VMs
Create ARM templates
Configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs
Implement batch jobs by using Azure Batch Services
Azure Batch creates and manages a pool of compute nodes (virtual machines), installs the applications you want to run, and schedules jobs to run on the nodes.
Azure Batch overview
Run a batch job by using the Azure CLI and Azure Portal
Run batch jobs by using code
Manage batch jobs by using the Batch Service API
Create containerized solutions
You can build and run modern, portable, microservices-based applications that benefit from Kubernetes orchestrating and managing the availability of those application components. Kubernetes supports both stateless and stateful applications as teams progress through the adoption of microservices-based applications.
Create an Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Create container images for solutions
Publish an image to the Azure Container Registry
Run containers by using Azure Container Instance or AKS
Create App Service web apps
Azure App Service Web Apps (or just Web Apps) is a service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. Web Apps not only adds the power of Microsoft Azure to your application, such as security, load balancing, autoscaling, and automated management.
Azure App Service core concepts
Creating an Azure App Service web app
Creating background tasks by using WebJobs in Azure App Service
Creating Azure App Service mobile apps
The Mobile Apps feature of Azure App Service gives enterprise developers and system integrators a mobile-application development platform that's highly scalable and globally available.
Getting started with mobile apps in App Service
Enable push notifications for your app
Enable offline sync for your app
Create Azure App Service API apps
This module covers how to create and document an Azure App Service API.
Creating APIs
Using Swagger to document an API
Implement Azure Functions
Azure Functions is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it.
Azure Functions overview
Develop Azure Functions using Visual Studio
Implement durable functions
Develop solutions that use Azure Table storage
Azure Table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. Because Table storage is schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application evolve.
Azure Table storage overview
Authorization in Table storage
Table service REST API
Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB storage
This module covers Azure Cosmos DB storage. It instructs students on how it works, how to manage containers and items, and create and update documents by using code.
Azure Cosmos DB overview
Managing containers and items
Create and update documents by using code
Develop solutions that use a relational database
SQL Database is a general-purpose relational database managed service in Microsoft Azure that supports structures such as relational data, JSON, spatial, and XML.
Azure SQL overview
Create, read, update, and delete database tables by using code
Develop solutions that use Microsoft Azure Blob storage
Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is data that does not adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data.
Azure Blob storage overview
Working with Azure Blob storage
Implement authentication
Microsoft identity platform is an evolution of the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity service and developer platform. It allows developers to build applications that sign in all Microsoft identities, get tokens to call Microsoft Graph, other Microsoft APIs, or APIs that developers have built.
Microsoft identity platform
Implement OAuth2 authentication
Implement managed identities for Azure resources
Implement authentication by using certificates, forms-based authentication, or tokens
Implement multi-factor authentication
Implement access control
This module covers claims-based and role-based access control.
Claims-based authorization
Role-based access control (RBAC) authorization
Implement secure data solutions
This module covers securing data at rest and during transmission.
Encryption options
End-to-end encryption
Implement Azure confidential computing
Manage cryptographic keys in Azure Key Vault
Introduction to Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor is the central service that includes all of tools you need to monitor and optimize your solution.
Overview of Azure Monitor
Develop code to support scalability of apps and services
This module covers how applications scale and how to handle some troubleshooting.
Implement autoscale
Implement code that addresses singleton application instances
Implement code that handles transient faults
Instrument solutions to support monitoring and logging
This module covers adding code to your app to send the data to Azure Monitor.
Configure instrumentation in an app or server by using Application Insights
Analyze and troubleshoot solutions by using Azure Monitor
Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions
This module shows students how to leverage Azure Cache for Redis and Azure CDNs to deliver assets to users more quickly.
Azure Cache for Redis
Develop for storage on CDNs
Develop an App Service Logic App
Logic Apps helps you build solutions that integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations by automating tasks and business processes as workflows. This module covers what they are and how to create them.
Azure Logic Apps overview
Create Logic Apps by using Visual Studio
Create custom connectors for Logic Apps
Create custom templates for Logic Apps
Integrate Azure Search within solutions
Azure Search is a search-as-a-service cloud solution that gives developers APIs and tools for adding a rich search experience over private, heterogenous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. In this module students will learn how to integrate Azure Search in to their solutions.
Create and query an Azure Search Index
Full text search in Azure Search
API Management
API Management (APIM) helps organizations publish APIs to external, partner, and internal developers to unlock the potential of their data and services.
Introduction to the API Management service
Securing your APIs
Defining API policies
Develop event-based solutions
This module covers developing event-based solutions in Azure by integrating Azure Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Notification Hubs in your applications.
Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid
Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hubs
Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs
Develop message-based solutions
Microsoft Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus is most commonly used to decouple applications and services from each other, and is a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous data and state transfer. Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS.
Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus
Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues

Classroom Training

Bevorzugen Sie die klassische Trainingsmethode? Ein Kurs in einem unserer Training Center, mit einem kompetenten Trainer und dem direkten Austausch zwischen allen Teilnehmern? Dann buchen Sie einen der Classroom Training Termine!

Online Training

Möchten Sie einen Kurs online besuchen? Zu diesem Kursthema bieten wir Ihnen Online-Kurstermine an. Als Teilnehmer benötigen Sie dazu einen PC mit Internet-Anschluss (mindestens 1 Mbit/s), ein Headset, falls Sie per VoIP arbeiten möchten und optional eine Kamera. Weitere Informationen und technische Empfehlungen finden Sie hier.


Benötigen Sie einen maßgeschneiderten Kurs für Ihr Team? Neben unserem Standard-Angebot bieten wir Ihnen an, Kurse speziell nach Ihren Anforderungen zu gestalten. Gerne beraten wir Sie hierzu und erstellen Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot.
Inhouse-Schulung jetzt anfragen
PDF SymbolDie gesamte Beschreibung dieses Kurses mit Terminen und Preisen zum Download als PDF.

Dieses Training hat das Ziel Developern näherzubringen, wie sie End-to-End-Lösungen in Microsoft Azure erstellen können. Die Teilnehmenden lernen, wie sie Azure-Computerlösungen implementieren, Azure-Funktionen erstellen, Web-Apps implementieren und verwalten, Lösungen unter Verwendung von Azure-Speichern entwickeln, Authentifizierung und Autorisierung implementieren und ihre Lösungen mit Hilfe von KeyVault und Managed Identities sichern. Die Teilnehmenden lernen auch, wie sie sich mit Azure-Services und Services von Drittanbietern verbinden und diese nutzen können und wie sie ereignis- und nachrichtenbasierte Modelle in ihre Lösungen integrieren können. Der Kurs behandelt auch die Überwachung, Fehlerbehebung und Optimierung von Azure-Lösungen. Empfohlenes Training für die Zertifizierung zum: Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate


  • Erstellen von Azure App Service
  • WebAppsAzure-Funktionen implementieren
  • Lösungen entwickeln, die Blob-Speicher verwenden
  • Lösungen entwickeln, die Cosmos-DB-Speicher verwenden
  • IaaS-Lösungen implementieren
  • Benutzerauthentifizierung und -autorisierung implementieren
  • Sichere Cloud-Lösungen implementieren
  • API-Verwaltung implementieren
  • App-Service-Logic-Apps entwickeln
  • Entwicklung ereignisbasierter Lösungen
  • Nachrichtenbasierte Lösungen entwickeln
  • Azure-Lösungen überwachen und optimieren
  • Caching und Inhaltsbereitstellung in Lösungen integrieren

E-Book Symbol Die originalen Microsoft-Kursunterlagen werden Ihnen online zur Verfügung gestellt.

Inhouse-Schulung jetzt anfragen


Die Teilnehmer dieses Kurses sind an der Entwicklung von Azure oder an der Zertifizierungsprüfung Microsoft Azure Developer Associate interessiert.


Die Teilnehmer sollten 1-2 Jahre Erfahrung als Entwickler haben. Dieser Kurs setzt voraus, dass die Teilnehmer mit der Programmierung vertraut sind und übergrundlegende Kenntnisse von Azure verfügen. Es wird empfohlen, dass die Schüler über einige Erfahrungen mit PowerShell oder Azure CLI, der Arbeit im Azure-Portal und mit mindestens einer von Azure unterstützten Programmiersprache verfügen. Die meisten Beispiele in diesem Kurs werden in C\#.NET vorgestellt.


Sie wissen noch nicht, welche Azure-Zertifizierung zu Ihnen passt und wollen sich einen Überblick der diversen Level und Rollen verschaffen? Dann beachten Sie bitte unseren Blog-Artikel Azure Zertifizierungen.  

Implement solutions that use virtual machines
Students will learn how to properly plan for VM deployment. It covers VM creation by using the Azure Portal, PowerShell, and through code. It also covers creating and using ARM templates for repeatable deployments and how to use Azure Disk Encryption to secure information on the VM.
Provision VMs
Create ARM templates
Configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs
Implement batch jobs by using Azure Batch Services
Azure Batch creates and manages a pool of compute nodes (virtual machines), installs the applications you want to run, and schedules jobs to run on the nodes.
Azure Batch overview
Run a batch job by using the Azure CLI and Azure Portal
Run batch jobs by using code
Manage batch jobs by using the Batch Service API
Create containerized solutions
You can build and run modern, portable, microservices-based applications that benefit from Kubernetes orchestrating and managing the availability of those application components. Kubernetes supports both stateless and stateful applications as teams progress through the adoption of microservices-based applications.
Create an Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Create container images for solutions
Publish an image to the Azure Container Registry
Run containers by using Azure Container Instance or AKS
Create App Service web apps
Azure App Service Web Apps (or just Web Apps) is a service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. Web Apps not only adds the power of Microsoft Azure to your application, such as security, load balancing, autoscaling, and automated management.
Azure App Service core concepts
Creating an Azure App Service web app
Creating background tasks by using WebJobs in Azure App Service
Creating Azure App Service mobile apps
The Mobile Apps feature of Azure App Service gives enterprise developers and system integrators a mobile-application development platform that's highly scalable and globally available.
Getting started with mobile apps in App Service
Enable push notifications for your app
Enable offline sync for your app
Create Azure App Service API apps
This module covers how to create and document an Azure App Service API.
Creating APIs
Using Swagger to document an API
Implement Azure Functions
Azure Functions is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it.
Azure Functions overview
Develop Azure Functions using Visual Studio
Implement durable functions
Develop solutions that use Azure Table storage
Azure Table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. Because Table storage is schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application evolve.
Azure Table storage overview
Authorization in Table storage
Table service REST API
Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB storage
This module covers Azure Cosmos DB storage. It instructs students on how it works, how to manage containers and items, and create and update documents by using code.
Azure Cosmos DB overview
Managing containers and items
Create and update documents by using code
Develop solutions that use a relational database
SQL Database is a general-purpose relational database managed service in Microsoft Azure that supports structures such as relational data, JSON, spatial, and XML.
Azure SQL overview
Create, read, update, and delete database tables by using code
Develop solutions that use Microsoft Azure Blob storage
Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is data that does not adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data.
Azure Blob storage overview
Working with Azure Blob storage
Implement authentication
Microsoft identity platform is an evolution of the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity service and developer platform. It allows developers to build applications that sign in all Microsoft identities, get tokens to call Microsoft Graph, other Microsoft APIs, or APIs that developers have built.
Microsoft identity platform
Implement OAuth2 authentication
Implement managed identities for Azure resources
Implement authentication by using certificates, forms-based authentication, or tokens
Implement multi-factor authentication
Implement access control
This module covers claims-based and role-based access control.
Claims-based authorization
Role-based access control (RBAC) authorization
Implement secure data solutions
This module covers securing data at rest and during transmission.
Encryption options
End-to-end encryption
Implement Azure confidential computing
Manage cryptographic keys in Azure Key Vault
Introduction to Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor is the central service that includes all of tools you need to monitor and optimize your solution.
Overview of Azure Monitor
Develop code to support scalability of apps and services
This module covers how applications scale and how to handle some troubleshooting.
Implement autoscale
Implement code that addresses singleton application instances
Implement code that handles transient faults
Instrument solutions to support monitoring and logging
This module covers adding code to your app to send the data to Azure Monitor.
Configure instrumentation in an app or server by using Application Insights
Analyze and troubleshoot solutions by using Azure Monitor
Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions
This module shows students how to leverage Azure Cache for Redis and Azure CDNs to deliver assets to users more quickly.
Azure Cache for Redis
Develop for storage on CDNs
Develop an App Service Logic App
Logic Apps helps you build solutions that integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations by automating tasks and business processes as workflows. This module covers what they are and how to create them.
Azure Logic Apps overview
Create Logic Apps by using Visual Studio
Create custom connectors for Logic Apps
Create custom templates for Logic Apps
Integrate Azure Search within solutions
Azure Search is a search-as-a-service cloud solution that gives developers APIs and tools for adding a rich search experience over private, heterogenous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. In this module students will learn how to integrate Azure Search in to their solutions.
Create and query an Azure Search Index
Full text search in Azure Search
API Management
API Management (APIM) helps organizations publish APIs to external, partner, and internal developers to unlock the potential of their data and services.
Introduction to the API Management service
Securing your APIs
Defining API policies
Develop event-based solutions
This module covers developing event-based solutions in Azure by integrating Azure Event Grid, Event Hubs, and Notification Hubs in your applications.
Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid
Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hubs
Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs
Develop message-based solutions
Microsoft Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus is most commonly used to decouple applications and services from each other, and is a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous data and state transfer. Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS.
Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus
Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues

Classroom Training

Bevorzugen Sie die klassische Trainingsmethode? Ein Kurs in einem unserer Training Center, mit einem kompetenten Trainer und dem direkten Austausch zwischen allen Teilnehmern? Dann buchen Sie einen der Classroom Training Termine!

Online Training

Möchten Sie einen Kurs online besuchen? Zu diesem Kursthema bieten wir Ihnen Online-Kurstermine an. Als Teilnehmer benötigen Sie dazu einen PC mit Internet-Anschluss (mindestens 1 Mbit/s), ein Headset, falls Sie per VoIP arbeiten möchten und optional eine Kamera. Weitere Informationen und technische Empfehlungen finden Sie hier.


Benötigen Sie einen maßgeschneiderten Kurs für Ihr Team? Neben unserem Standard-Angebot bieten wir Ihnen an, Kurse speziell nach Ihren Anforderungen zu gestalten. Gerne beraten wir Sie hierzu und erstellen Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot.
Inhouse-Schulung jetzt anfragen

PDF SymbolDie gesamte Beschreibung dieses Kurses mit Terminen und Preisen zum Download als PDF.